Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 12

This morning it was hard to get up. I konked out last night with a touch of heat exhaustion, so it was hard to get going. Food updates are feeling a touch overdone at this point so I will move on. Today we went to service at the Blue Box. They had lots of stuff going on for Father's Day. By the way - Happy Father's Day Dad! It was extremely hard on me personally since I am really missing my family. But afterwards the FTC kids were all coming up and wishing me a Happy Father's Day with lots of hugs. I imagined it was Destiny and Dylan, so that helped a lot. Bob Clinkert delivered the message with Lonnie interpreting. It was very emotional because Bob is the one that convinced her to come to FTC. I cannot imagine what Lonnie's life would be like had she not made the choice to change her life. She is such an inspiring young woman. It's a weird kind of envy I have for Bob because it's not often you see so clearly a case of saving someones life.

We went to FTC for lunch because one of the workers was having a party for his son's dedication. It was pretty decent and I am abstaining from further food reports. It was fun to interact with the kids for a little bit. We returned to Santa Nino and had a small group time with the team. I am really amazed at this team of students. Even the ones that have been here multiple times seem to have opened themselves up to being impacted in fresh ways. Kelsey, our youngest teammate, had the phrase of the trip. She was talking about how she felt so invested in from this trip and how she was overflowing. She talked about sharing that overflow with people when she got home - and then she called it "The Juice". It seems to have stuck, and now everyone is talking about sharing "The Juice" when they get home. Admittedly it sounds a little gross but it definitely got the point across. I look forward to all the ways this team is going to share "The Juice". Lonnie had come back to Santa Nino with us and she shared with us how much our visits mean to her. It was a powerful way to end the time.

Tonight was "Community". This is Frontline's version of Leadership Community. All the leaders and volunteers from all the ministry sites come to Santa Nino and hang out. We played some of the most vicious games of volleyball ever, for which I earned the souvenir of a skinned knee. Then the entire team, including the FTC kids, gathered for dinner and a time of singing and sharing. Our entire team got an opportunity to go up individually and express how much the trip and Frontline has meant to them. It was great to hear everyone sharing.

I actually kicked the sharing off and was kind of surprised what came out of my mouth. I was quite honest and open about how I felt completely drained leading up to this trip. I certainly did not intend to make any decisions in that moment, but as I shared about the challenges and stresses of ministry life I even expressed that I wasn't sure what was next. In that moment it was made clear to me. In this place I have been wiped clean, laid bare, stripped to the core. My mission is clear - when God calls me to go, I go. My mission field is career ministry in the local church. Until that moment, in front of a group of mostly strangers as of 2 weeks ago, half way around the world, God made it clear to me. I am to stay in ministry and even though my financial future is uncertain, I trust God will provide. As confirmation of my newly made decision, Jeff Pessina closed by talking about why Frontline was such an inspiring place. He approaches Faith and following Jesus in such a simple, pragmatic way. He spoke about how Frontline doesn't do anything that radical. They just live like Jesus is who He said He was. The bizarre thing would be to say we believe what we believe and then do nothing about it. It's that simple for Jeff. He knows his mission field and he knows God will provide. Not always in the way he hopes or expects but God is good.

I think it has been very good for me to be here. It's such a unique experience to be so drained and yet filled all at the same time. I truly believe that "The Juice" is flowing right now and I am rejuvenated and inspired. Frontline is really a blessing to me.

I am ready to go home now.


FDL Homeowners Association said...

Tim, your detailed and honest blogs have been read and discussed by many at Shorewood. You have put your heart and thoughts on your sleeve, and we look forward to your visions after this trip. Everyone is very proud of the leadership you took on this trip, and your God and 'Tim' experiences that you have shared. You should be proud. God is.

Carter said...

It sounds liked God accomplished all He wanted IN you and THROUGH you. Way to be open to it all the way. It is inspiring.
And it'll be great to have you and your "juice" back home...