Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Chili and Surprises

One of my favorite things to do is cook. I don't do it a ton but when the mood strikes and I have the time I always enjoy it. I even thought of attending a cooking school at one point and who knows I might still someday but for now it is just a hobby I dabble in. In a couple of weeks I will be entering our annual chili cooking contest at Church. I won a couple of years ago so I am looking to regain my title. I even got on stage and talked a little smack last weekend. Competition and cooking all in the same event - does it get any better?

Some one asked me if I had a special secret recipe. Since the recipe is only known to me and not written down anywhere and is subject to change every time I make it, I think it qualifies as secret. Special is a whole other issue. Sometimes it comes out really spicy. Other times it is bold and full of flavor. When I am really lucky it is both. I think that may be part of what makes cooking Chili so much fun - it's always a surprise. Mostly good but sometimes not. A few years ago I had the dubious distinction of being a judge for a chili cook-off. That was a horrible experience. I never knew there could be so many ways to make bad chili out there. But there was. I have never eaten dog food but I suspected some of them would not even be fit for canine consumption. Again though the surprise is part of the mystique and excitement of chili - especially a cook-off where you sample lots of different ones.

All of this got me to thinking about how life is like a box of choca.... no, like a bowl of chili. Yesterday I got 2 distinct surprises - one was funny and the other decidedly was not. My wife revealed in a small group ice breaker that if given a week to spend with any group, anywhere, at anytime she would choose the Amish. I nearly pee'd myself laughing because my wife is an amazing women of unbelievable strength but also really likes her comforts. I can't imagine her for a week of no Diet Coke, iced coffee's, or hot showers. Upon explanation it seemed to make sense although I don't recall what it was but it surprised me. I love that after nearly 15 years of marriage and close to 20 years of knowing each other she still surprises me. It was a funny moment.

The not funny moment came when I discovered a former co-worker, who I had considered a friend, had been indicted and faced significant jail time for stealing from the company we both worked for in excess of $400,000. It was one of those unnerving revelations that someone I thought I knew pretty well was unimaginable corrupt. I still feel saddened by this more so than I would have expected. We were not close friends by any means but I never would have thought he was capable of this. I recall even defending his character on several occasions when we worked together. Certainly his greed, or whatever motivated him to do this, does not taint his entire person but if I may return to my chili analogy, it sure does give his particular flavor a bad after taste. I have and will continue to pray for him and his family. I cannot imagine facing the consequences and what that will mean for them.

The best chili is cooked slowly over a long period of time. It ultimately is a result of the influences of all the ingredients. The blending of different flavors that together produce an overall experience that is in the best case both bold and spicy. I can taste it know even as I type. The aroma that fills the house as it cooks. Even feel the anticipation of testing it and maybe adding a pinch of this or a dash of that. Or maybe I will sample it only to find - mmmm it's perfect. You never know what you are going to get in a bowl of chili.


Erin Elizabeth said...

the last paragraph is really good, especially when you relate the "influences of all the ingredients" and the "blending of different flavors" to people and what makes them, THEM.

Kerry said...

I must say I am a little disappointed that the chili cook off and fall festival falls on mine and Jim's anniversary - sorry but I am not spending our anniversary here ! You will just have to stick a bowl in the freezer for me ! GOOD LUCK ! plus you luck out -I was planning on entering this year and would have given you a run for your money - we should have a small group chili cook off

Unknown said...

I am not eating anything cooked in Chap Styk's presence!